Welcome to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and thank you for visiting us.  We are a faith-based community focused on bringing the Gospel of Christ to life in our homes, community, and the world.  As a Christian community, we are called to worship God, to study and to live the teachings of the Gospels, and to serve our fellow man as Jesus has commanded us.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a small family-oriented parish which allows our parishioners to form lasting friendships.  We celebrate with each other in times of joy, support each other in times of need, and comfort each other in times of sorrow.  Through the efforts of our Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, and Parish Food Pantry, we extend our care to the surrounding community.  We welcome you and invite you to worship with us!

Special Message from the Diocese of Columbus


Diocese cautions social media users to be aware of scammers impersonating bishop

An increasing number of social media accounts posing as Bishop Earl Fernandes are targeting individuals online and requesting money.

“We were made aware of several social media accounts that were impersonating him, asking people directly for money, or to do personal favors, directly through messages,” said Andrew Zuk, the associate director for the Office of Communications.

“We’ve reported it. We’ve asked anybody who sees these accounts to report them and to not click any links that they might have.”

Continue reading here...

The Appeal 2024

As has been reported the past couple of weeks, it is more important this year than ever for us to have a successful Appeal participation from you, our parish family.  The necessary renovation of the rectory is an unexpected—and large—expense.  With your help, we can have all the repairs done soon so that Fr. Fritz has a suitable home here at OLMC.  As you know, everything we collect over and above our Appeal goal is returned to us.  Our successful Appeals in past years have meant that we do not have to have separate fundraisers and pay the diocesan “tax” on those funds.  If you have not made your pledge and/or contribution, please do so soon.  If you have, please consider increasing your contribution.  The generosity of our parish family is one reason we are such a successful and vibrant parish, and it is very much appreciated.  Thank you!

Thank you for supporting our diocese and our parish!

Mass Times

Saturday: 4:00 p.m.  (Saturday masses are livestreamed.  Find the link below.)

Sunday: 8:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.

Holy Days: 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise announced.

Confession :  3:15 p.m. Saturdays


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Online Giving

Going away for the weekend?  Visiting a different parish this Sunday?  Forgot your envelope?  You can still make your offering to OLMC.  Click the button above to send your gift online.  As always, thank you for your generosity!

Fr. Fritz' 25th Anniversary of Ordination

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday - 9:00 am until 3:00 pm
Friday - 9:00 am - Noon

Closed Holidays




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Masses Livestreamed

We livestream our Saturday evening masses each week at 4:00pm.  Click here to watch Mass live from OLMC.

Food Pantry

OLMC's food pantry is open for food distribution to those in need on Wednesday's from 1:00-2:30pm.  The food pantry is located inside the church hall; please enter through the side doors.  

Donations for the food pantry may be made during distribution hours, after any of our regular masses, or at the parish offices during normal working hours.

Your generosity enables us to feed hungry families in Buckeye Lake.  Thank you!!